Fun Run!
Fun Run - October 18th - 8:15-11:45 AM
- The Fun Run is our Annual FUNdraiser
- Our goal is $20,000. This is a stretch goal, but we want to limit the amount of fundraising this year.
- If we hit our goal, Principal Jefferson has offered to get slimed by the students!
- $20,000 comes out to about $40 per student
- 20% or about 112 students are low-income and many more families are strained financially but don't qualify for federal assistance. About 12 students are homeless.
- The PTO is currently operating with a deficit. We have a reserve which we are spending down.
- Some of our programs pay for themselves: ALL, Winter Carnival, Book Fair, Parents Night Out, Dunking for Diversity,
- Funds raised go towards:
- Birthday books for every child
- One bus for a field trip per grade
- 5th grade celebration bundle (t-shirt, yearbook, field trip)
- Free meal for all students at Back to School and End of Year picnic
- Free Gift Certificate to the Book Fair for kids who qualify for free/reduced lunch
- Free Winter Carnival wristband for kids who qualify for free/reduced lunch
- Free Afterschool Learning at Longfellow course for kids who qualify for free/reduced lunch
- Free school supplies for kids who qualify for free/reduced lunch
- Holiday gifts for families who qualify for free/reduced lunch
- Teacher appreciation lunches and holiday gifts
- Assemblies and speakers like Opera for the Young or Author Visits
- Teacher-Led Events like Art Night, Super Summer Math, Science Fair, Talent Show, Olympic Day, Spelling Bee, and Harambee
- Mutual Aid through Bears Care (supplemented by Angel Funds) for coats and winter wear and other family emergencies/necessities. Email [email protected] or the school social workers [email protected] or [email protected] to get connected.
- If your family is in a position where you can afford it, consider donating extra for the families that can't.
- Join the Fun Run committee! About 5 hours of your time for planning, plus being present during the Fun Run. Contact: [email protected]
- Help out on the day of the race! 35 minutes outdoors while your child runs (plus we always need clean up help!) Contact: [email protected]
- Donate here and share with your networks: We can reach our goal with $40/student. Again, if you have the means, please consider giving more!